Casa particular Guantanamo Cuba

  Hostels in Guantanamo

Accommodation offers in:
Key to the symbols
  • Maximum number of personsMaximum number of persons
  • Number of roomsNumber of rooms
  • Number of double bedsNumber of double beds
  • Number of single bedsNumber of single beds
  • Terrace / balcony / patioTerrace / balcony / patio
  • Private entrancePrivate entrance
  • Swimming poolSwimming pool
  • InternetInternet
More Information
  • About 23 km from the Cuban Guantanamo city is located the small city Caimanera.
    From here you can see the naval base of the United States.
  • Who cares, can make a trip from the capital city of Guantanamo. The best viewpoint is the so-called Mirador de Malones with a height of 320 meters.
  • In Yatera, in the north of Guantanamo city, is located the Zoológico de Piedras - a zoo, where all the animals are stone figures. Another possible destination for an excursion.